Looking for somewhere to Stay? Need a Taxi? Look no further.

We have a huge amount of local B&B’s, amazing attractions & an elite team of local Taxi Companies, we have listed some of them below. (If you have a local business within those areas please contact us directly to be added to our website)


Local Taxi Companies

  • Tamas – Pinpoint Private Hire : 07763784746
  • Ian – Cookie Private Hire : 07497626444
  • Darren & Toni – Red Lion Private Hire : 07565226887
  • SW Private Hire 07830 337364
  • Roz – A2B Cotswold Travel : 07949270340
  • Philip – Claremont Cars : 01386833660
  • ABC Private Hire : 07752640352
  • Shipston Taxis : 01608661592

Places to stay :

  • Cotswold Cottage Gems : www.cotswoldcottagegems.co.uk 07748 028889
  • Honeypot Cottages : www.honeypotcottages.co.uk 01386 841714
  • Cotswold Retreat (Moreton in Marsh) www.cotswold-retreat.co.uk 07903646069
  • Alice’s Loft,  Stretton on Fosse 01608 662613
  • Campden Yurts : www.campdenyurts.co.uk 07792 624036
  • The Cotswold Hideaway, Chipping Campden : [email protected] / airbnb.com/h/castlehideaway
  • The Ebrington Arms : www.theebringtonarms.co.uk 01386 593223
  • Charingworth Manor : www.classiclodges.co.uk
  • The Eight Bells Inn : www.eightbellsinn.co.uk 01386 840371

Things to do : 

Our Suppliers :

  • Fresh Meat Matters,  Ebrington
  • Vegetable Matters, Ebrington
  • Fowlers of Earlwood
  • Mid Counties Cooperative, Chipping Campden
  • Tracklements, Malmesbury